Dress please
There are too many naked Christians! Naked Christians should be as ashamed as Adam and Eve were when they hid from God's presence after their sin (Genesis 3: 8). Unfortunately, many Christians go from one place to another without worrying about the right adornment or feeling any hint of shame!
I'm not really talking about the clothes that Christians wear (or don't wear), but about the garments of a life of good works. In particular, Christian women are told in 1 Timothy 2: 9-10 to dress in "good works." Christians (men and women; cf. Titus 3: 1,14) have been "created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand for us to walk in them" (Ephesians 2:10). The concept of Christians who practice good works was in the mind and the eternal plan of God before creation. Good works should be something as common as dressing in the morning!
Just like other faithful Christians, I am worried about the kind of dress the world wears and even some of the members of the body of Christ. However, I am also worried about Christians who lack good works. just as God will ask the immoral to count on the Day of Judgment (see Galatians 5: 19-21), he will also ask His children for accounts that do almost nothing for His cause!
In fact, Jesus presented a scene from Judgment Day in Matthew 25 in which some had not fed the hungry, drunk the thirsty, welcomed the neighbor, dressed naked or visited the sick or who was in the jail (vss. 42-43). Jesus taught that he will say to such people: "Turn away from me, cursed, to the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels" (vs. 41). Obviously, this is a serious matter!
No, we can never do enough works to deserve our salvation, but receiving the grace of the almighty God requires that we be faithful workers in His kingdom. Let us meditate seriously about our work for the Lord and His church, so that we are not surprised "naked" on the day Jesus returns. In Jesus' words, "[he] who has ears to hear, let him hear" (Matthew 11:15). Keep your spiritual clothes and be prepared to work! (see Luke 12:35).
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