There are no Apostles?
There are two answers and it begins to depend on the definition of the word "apostol" in the bible in Greek there are two definitions of apostle, a group of envoys or messengers, an apostle is an envoy to do a specific work, for example if the Pastor or leader of a congregation sends a person to support another congregation or go to teach another congregation that could be defined as an 'apostle' because he has been sent to a specific task.
The second meaning of the noun "apostolos" is the closed group of Apostles of Jesus Christ, so today there are apostles? The answer is yes, depending ...! if they are only sent to a specific task.!
The group of twelve Apostles was closed, when Judas died, they had to search for a successor, Acts 1:21 was limited to men who have been with us .... the first requirement to be "Apostle" is to have been Eyewitness of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, without witnessing the resurrection of Jesus the second requirement is. in Acts 1:24 they ask God for direction to decide who was Judas's successor.
And what about Paul, how Paul can be considered as an Apostle of Jesus Christ? Paul met both requirements, he says as an abortive, last of all Jesus Christ appeared to me. 1st Corinthians ... Paul saw Christ, Galatas says Paul the Apostle not of men but of God ... another requirement fulfilled ... but it was like an abortifacient was out of the ordinary.
This means that after the ascension of Jesus in the clouds, no one else has been able to see him, it means that there cannot be more Apostles today, those who rise up today as Apostles do not meet the requirements that the Bible says to to be able to do them, otherwise we could ask how was the resurrection of Jesus to know if they fulfilled that requirement. therefore they are lacking apostles
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