Coronavirus 19

This virus has spread throughout the world. How should we Christians respond?

 Lately it is almost impossible to go a full day without hearing something about this virus, in the end an infectious respiratory disease that was identified in China, and then spread worldwide.
 After seeing some news reports, and reading some articles on the Internet, I realize that much of the community does not know how to respond to this pandemic, since Christians live in this world and are also affected by these diseases, we are not immune  !!!  So what should be our response to Coronavirus 19?

 In the first place, not listening to the CHARLATAN SHEPHERDS, these people take advantage of this type of events to quickly point out that their "Bibles" predict modern plagues and that signal the end of the World or the second coming of Christ.
 These modern Shepherds and / or prophets like to jump from one passage to another to "prove" their outlandish statements.
 In Matthew 24 we see the destruction of the Jewish temple and in Revelation deals with the sufferings of the Church in the first century.  These are favorite passages these people use to apply to modern events.  They are opportunists, blasphemers, and gossipers, Jude 4:16
 There is no doubt Jesus will come;  He promised. There is no doubt that there will be an end to the world, the Word of God guarantees it.  2 Peter 3: 9-10 but as for these final events No one knows the day or the hour.  Mark 13:32.
 It is obvious each day that the coming of the son of man (Jesus) is getting closer but God has not revealed the exact time of the coming of his son.
 Therefore we must not submerge ourselves in panic and despair.  Prepare yourself for an emergency, as well as being current in a responsible and diligent way in the face of an emergency like the one we are experiencing, but Christians must avoid immersing ourselves in a constant state of despair and panic since this only reveals to us the lack of FAITH.  (Matthew 6:25)
 Panic and despair can also create our own problems or at least make them worse, I remember the passage where King Saul lost his calm and offered God a hasty sacrifice and therefore his kingdom did not come to an end.  1 Sam 13
 In the same way, many people are losing their calm and emptying the stores of products that we all need.
 Extremes are generally dangerous, despair is always a negative thing.  But the indifferent and arrogant attitude also contributes to the problem.
 It is sad to read and listen to people making foolish comments and hastily mocking these kind of events that are very delicate.  Yes, it is true that there are ages groups who are more vulnerable than others, so we must not be indifferent to others.
 So, we must PRAY AND TRUST GOD, one of the most valuable lessons that we can reap in this time of epidemic. It is that, regardless of our prosperity and technological advancement, no country, I believe, is prepared for a tragedy,
 President Donald Trump proclaimed March 15, 2020 as a National Day of Prayer, but this nation like any other nation needs a full life of prayer (1 Thessalonians 5:17).
 Let us take advantage of this time wisely (Ephesians 5: 15-16) this has a special application for us in this time. "So, then, be careful how you live. Do not be unwise but wise, making the best use of your time because the times are evil."
 In God we trust, may God save us !!!


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