What's wrong with celebrating Halloween?

There are a large number of Christians who see nothing wrong with celebrating Halloween. For them, this is a fun party and nothing more. However, there are also many Christians who refuse to participate in Halloween. Who is right? Does the Bible speak about Halloween?
Let's answer the last question first: The Bible says nothing about Halloween. However, there are many other things that the Bible does not specifically mention by name but they are bad. For example, the Bible never says: "Do not use drugs." But we all know that drugs are bad for one. In other words, there are things that are not literally stated in the Bible, but we must abstain from them.

Although Halloween does not appear in the Bible, the vast majority of believers refuse to participate in that day. We cannot close our eyes to the historical aspect of this holiday: It is historically proven that the current form of Halloween is nothing but a mixture of pagan rites of the second century BC, with pagan rites of Roman Catholicism, which They settled very well to satisfy popular taste.

In Ephesians 5.11 we have a solid basis for rejecting Halloween; there we read the following: "Have nothing to do with the fruitless works of darkness, but rather denounce them.

The cut pumpkin
The Celts celebrated the cult of the severed head, in which
They represented one of their gods. For them, the head was the seat of the soul, attributing enormous powers, such as: moving, speaking, singing, prophesying and giving fertility to the earth. The idea of ​​hollowing pumpkins, that is, making eyes, mouth and nose - so that it resembled a human face or a severed head - came from Irish and French immigrants (descendants of the ancient Celts).

Ghosts and "Jack of the Lantern" The custom of lighting flashlights and dressing in ghosts had its origin
of an old Irish legend. According to this legend, "Jack de la
Lantern "was a man who at death could not enter heaven because he was very greedy. He also could not go to hell because he did not respect the devil, but made fun of him. Therefore, Jack was condemned to wander the earth with a Flashlight until the day of the final judgment.

The costumes
The use of masks or costumes has been a very popular practice in the rites of magic and pagan ceremonies of many primitive peoples. Costumes were used to represent the spirits they invoked, for dances, for wars and other activities. However, the main purpose of using costumes was to hide the identity of the person, which highlights Satan's true desire to be worshiped. "And this is not uncommon, since Satan himself disguises himself as an angel of light" (2 Corinthians 11.14, DHH).

"We have to be different" There is no doubt that God expects us to be different. The church of
Christ is not of this world and should not be "lost" in the traditions of this world, especially if they do not glorify God. Halloween has never been and will not be a tribute to the light or the things of God.

As believers, we have the responsibility to evaluate the activities we practice: although we must also evaluate: Television, cinema, sports etc. That also does not glorify God? no Do they build spiritual life? and no Do they contribute to the evangelization of this world? Or, do they look bad?



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